Monday, May 16, 2011

11 Amazingly Unique Plants And 14 Randomly Amazing Facts About Animals

11 Amazingly Unique Plants And 14 Randomly Amazing Facts About Animals

Here's a list of some of the most unusual plants on the planet and random facts about animals.

There are thousands species of plants in the world. Some plants are truly amazing. Here’s a collection of the most peculiar and unusual plants in the world.

  1. Pitfall Traps, like Pitcher Plants, prey falls into a rolled leaf that contains a pool of digestive enzymes and/or bacteria at the bottom.
  2. Flypaper Traps, like Sundews, use a glue-like substance to hold onto unsuspecting insects.
  3. Snap Traps, like Venus Flytrap, has leaves that actually snap shut to create a plant prison.
  4. Bladder Traps use a bladder to suck in aquatic creatures.
  5. Lobster-Pot Traps use inward-pointing hairs to force prey toward digestive enzymes.


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