Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Create a Home Library

With a little planning, you can have a home library that preserves the beauty and value of your books while offering a relaxing sanctuary from your hectic life.

Here, a converted attic space houses a wonderful reading retreat, complete with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves, natural light, and a library ladder.

Here a tall, freestanding bookcase serves as a partition, separating the main room from the cozy corner devoted to books. A small area rug and a row of windows further define the library. Low shelves make use of otherwise wasted space beneath the windows, and an armchair and reading lamp invite readers to sit and savor the books and the room.

A sunny reading nook is instantly appealing, so you'll want to create an inviting library that maximizes natural light. However, be sure to place bookshelves in shady spots. Direct light, which causes fading and eventually deterioration, is considered the No. 1 enemy of books. In a room with lots of windows, minimize sunlight with window coverings.


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